Pacific Region Bioenergy Partnership

About us

The Pacific Region Bioenergy Partnership is one of five regional programs supported by state energy offices or governors associations/regional energy boards/councils and the U.S. Department of Energy. It includes the states of Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. The DOE Western Regional Office manages the partnership and coordinates with the federal Biomass Program. Our brochure, which will soon be available on-line, provides additional information.


Mission statement and focus

The mission of the Pacific Region Bioenergy Partnership is to encourage the use and development of biomass energy technologies that are technically feasible and cost effective. We work to provide technology transfer, remove barriers to biomass energy production and promote its benefits. We provide information and technical assistance to improve the regional environment and economies.

The partnership’s major purpose is to encourage the deployment of biomass energy technologies. For example, the partnership has worked to develop biodiesel and ethanol production throughout the region. The partnership also has supported biopower development through the testing and demonstration of the anoxic gas flotation process for dairies that use a flush system to handle manure. In addition, the partnership produces and distributes reliable information on potential biomass energy technologies.


Strengths and expertise

The U.S. DOE Western Regional Office and each state bring strengths and expertise to the partnership. In addition, the partnership has developed a network of other experts. The range of expertise includes:

  • Biodiesel;
  • Ethanol;
  • Anaerobic digestion and biopower;
  • Bioproducts;
  • Resource assessments, and;
  • Policy and siting.



Funding for the partnership comes from U.S. DOE and the individual states


Other Regional Bioenergy Partnerships

Other regional bioenergy partnerships include: